New Slides from Ajax Experience Talk: "Beyond Cookies: Persistent Storage (and Offline Access) for AJAX/DHTML Applications Using Dojo.Storage"
I've put up the slides from the talk I gave last week at the Ajax Experience 2006 conference:
Beyond Cookies: Persistent Storage (and Offline Access) for AJAX/DHTML Applications Using Dojo.Storage
"Learn how the new system can allow web applications to persistently and securely store large amounts of data.
Web applications have been constrained by the 4K limit of cookies for years. Learn how the new system can allow web applications to persistently and securely store large amounts of data. Developers will be shown how to use the API; example applications that use these APIs, such as a web-based word processor that persists its file's locally rather than on a server; and details of how is internally implemented."
I take folks through how to use; a full sample open source application named Moxie that is an advanced, rich text web editor with persistent client-side storage and offline access; how to build something like Moxie yourself; how works internally; and how to do offline access.See the presentation:
I reference two demos in the talk, which you can access here:
In any case I thought your presentation was well done and informative. Thanks for creating a truly interesting coding blog!
Bucking the trend: Don't bother checking out my blog folks, check this out instead:
Your ISP Sucks
That will be the day: web pages are so nice to me already with the spyware.