New SVG Web Release: Dracolisk
I'm proud to announce a new release of SVG Web. Our tradition is to go geek-tastic and name them after classic D&D monsters. This release is named Dracolisk, a crossbreed of a basilisk and a black dragon.
The Dracolisk is a truly fearsome creature, able to turn an enemy into stone with merely the gaze of the basilisk coupled with the acidic breath of a black dragon. Someone get that monster a breath mint.

The fixes and additions in this release:
About SVG Web and SVG:
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target close to 100% of the existing installed web base. SVG itself stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, an open standard that is part of the HTML 5 family of technologies for interactive, search-engine friendly web vector graphics.
The Dracolisk is a truly fearsome creature, able to turn an enemy into stone with merely the gaze of the basilisk coupled with the acidic breath of a black dragon. Someone get that monster a breath mint.

The fixes and additions in this release:
- Issue 378: Undefined variable in svg.js source code
- Issue 435: Regression: test_js1.html and test_js2.html fail
- Issue 421: Reuse XML ActiveX object on Internet Explorer
- Issue 431: unsuspendRedrawAll not wired to several methods
- Issue 428: setAttribute gives error for undefined or null attribute value (Flash renderer)
- Issue 264: Text with fractional font-size not displayed
- Issue 405: Support x,y lists on tspan for positioning native font glyphs
- Issue 440: Text with large font-size displays smaller
- Issue 447: Text placement changes with different viewboxes
- Issue 296: appendChild of existing child should move it to the end
- Issue 462: clipPath outside of def tag renders and blacks out the image
- Issue 415: Dynamic change of HREF on <use> to different local definition does not work (setAttributeNS())
- Issue 456: xlink:href attribute on images does not properly change with the Flash renderer
- Issue 460: Event type is not passed through when mouse events are raised.
- Issue 465: Stretched images have no smoothing
- Issue 375: Problem with using svgweb and jquery together
- Issue 402: Make sure SVG Web and Mootools work together
- Issue 403: Make sure SVG Web and Prototype.js work together
- Issue 404: Make sure SVG Web and Ext.js work together
- Issue 438: Support SVG 'RenderingProperties' CSS Values for Performance Vs. Quality Tradeoffs
- Issue 437: Slow rendering with mitered corners
- Issue 452: Parsing complicated long path statements extremely slow
- Issue 251: data-path configuration via meta tag
- Le Roux Bernard
- Li Yang
- Jonathan Pasquier
- Michael Neutze
- Ken Stacey from
- Karl from
- k5tm from
- bjtxmql
- David Stern
- drjlove
- Thomas Kelder
- Gregorio Palama
- rdworth
- Evan Adams
- antihadron
- alain.couthures
- Eugene Lazutkin
- Jeff Schiller
- Duffy.Ty
- rxt360
- don.barthel
About SVG Web and SVG:
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target close to 100% of the existing installed web base. SVG itself stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, an open standard that is part of the HTML 5 family of technologies for interactive, search-engine friendly web vector graphics.