Really Simple History

Yesterday I finished the README file detailing how to work with the Really Simple History framework; download the full Really Simple History framework.

The README file:

Really Simple History

What is This?

The Really Simple History (RSH) framework makes it easy for AJAX applications
to incorporate bookmarking and back and button support. By default, AJAX systems
are not bookmarkable, nor can they recover from the user pressing the browser's
back and forward buttons. The RSH library makes it possible to handle both cases.

In addition, RSH provides a framework to cache transient session information that
persists after a user leaves the web page. This cache is used by the RSH framework
to help with history issues, but can also be used by your own applications to
improve application performance. The cache is linked to a single instance of the
web page, and will disappear when the user closes their browser or clear their
browser's cache.

RSH works on Internet Explorer 6+ and Gecko-based browsers, like
Firefox. Safari is not supported.


  • [MM-DD-YY] - Some news item here.


The most recent version of RSH is version 0.04.

  • Version 0.04 - Beta release prepared for the O'Reilly article
    "AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons."


The primary developer on RSH is Brad Neuberg. Special thanks to Erik Arvidsson
for several important suggestions concerning the framework, as well as Alex
Russell and the Dojo Toolkit project for pioneering history support in AJAX


RSH is available under a BSD license.

How Do I Use This?

The RSH framework exposes two primary objects you will use to add history
support to your application: dhtmlHistory and

dhtmlHistory is the primary entry point for adding bookmark
and back button support to your application. The primary flow when working
with RSH is as follows:

  1. Initialize dhtmlHistory
  2. Register your application as interested in being notified whenever the user
    presses the back or forward buttons.
  3. Determine the initial location of your application and initialize your
    state accordingly.
  4. As a user interacts with your AJAX application add history entries
    to the dhtmlHistory object. The history entry specifies a new location,
    such as edit:somePage, as well as some optional contextual data that
    is associated with the new location. When you add a new history entry,
    the RSH framework updates the browser's location bar with the new location,
    added after a hash, such as
  5. If a user presses the back or forward buttons, the RSH framework will call
    the history change callback you registered earlier, passing in the new
    location as well as any history data that might have been associated with
    this location by you. The browser's URL field will also jump between any
    previous or next hash history entries.

The chief idea behind RSH is that your application adds custom history
events as a user interacts with the application; the framework itself uses the
history entry to update the browser's location bar. The only way to update a browser
location without reloading the entire page is by using a hash fragment, so the
new location is added after a hash fragment, such as #edit:somePage.
When you add a history entry, you can also pass in contextual data that is
associated with this location; this is optional information and can be useful
for sophisticated uses, such as saving the state of an edit form.

If a user presses the back or forward buttons, the RSH framework "jumps"
through any history entries that were added by the programmer before. The
RSH framework then calls your history change listener, passing in the new
location as well as any history data that was associated with this location.
Your application now has the responsibility of taking this location and updating
it's UI accordingly; RSH doesn't update your UI at all, since this is very
application specific.

You should choose location URLs that contain enough state for you to
update your application or initialize yourself. For example, if the user
jumps to the location #view:somePage, your application should
be able to use this to know that you must remotely fetch somePage
and view it. Choose location URLs that make sense to your application, recording
enough state to re-initialize themselves.

Finally, you must include a file named blank.html in the same
directory as your application. This file is included with the RSH
download and is needed by Internet Explorer.

Here's some simple pseudo-code on how to use RSH:

/** RSH must be initialized after the
page is finished loading. */
window.onload = initialize;

function initialize() {
// initialize RSH

// add ourselves as a listener for history
// change events

// determine our current location so we can
// initialize ourselves at startup
var initialLocation =

// if no location specified, use the default
if (initialLocation == null)
initialLocation = "location1";

// now initialize our starting UI
updateUI(initialLocation, null);

/** A function that is called whenever the user
presses the back or forward buttons. This
function will be passed the newLocation,
as well as any history data we associated
with the location. */
function handleHistoryChange(newLocation,
historyData) {
// use the history data to update our UI
updateUI(newLocation, historyData);

/** A simple method that updates our user
interface using the new location. */
function updateUI(newLocation,
historyData) {
var output = document.getElementById("output");

// simply display the location and the
// data
var historyMessage;
if (historyData != null)
historyMessage = historyData.message;

var message = "New location: "
+ newLocation
+ ", history data="
+ historyMessage;

output.innerHTML = message;

Our HTML is straightforward; it simply consists of a serious of links
that users can click on, which we use to update the history:

<div id="output"></div>

<div onclick="dhtmlHistory.add(
{message: 'hello world 1'})">
Change to Location 1

<div onclick="dhtmlHistory.add(
{message: 'hello world 2'})">
Change to Location 2

<div onclick="dhtmlHistory.add(
{message: 'hello world 3'})">
Change to Location 3

Notice that we use dhtmlHistory.add() in the links above
to update the history with a new entry.

RSH also provides an object that can be used to store transient session
information for the page, named historyStorage.
historyStorage simulates a hash table, making
it possible to put and get name/value pairs that persist
even after the user has left the web page. Note that
these values are linked just to the single instance of
the web page they were stored on. If the user opens a new browser
window and navigates to your site then the values will not be
visible. For permanent, long-term storage of large amounts
of information you should use the AJAX MAssive Storage System (AMASS) instead.

Sample code for working with historyStorage:

/** RSH must be initialized after the
page is finished loading. */
window.onload = initialize;

function initialize() {
// initialize RSH

// storage a value into the historyStorage
// if it doesn't exist yet; otherwise, grab
// the pre-existing value from the history
// storage
var savedObject;
if (historyStorage.hasKey("message"))
savedObject = historyStorage.get("message");
else {
savedObject = new Object(); = "someId";
savedObject.message = "Hello Watason";
savedObject.testArray = new Array();
savedObject.testArray[0] = "Hello";
savedObject.testArray[1] = "World";
savedObject.nestedObject = {someProp: "bye"};

historyStorage.put("message", savedObject);

// now work with savedObject

The key for historyStorage must be a string, while the
value can be an arbitrary JavaScript object. The RSH framework will fully
serialize your JavaScript object and pull it back out as an object.
Note that DOM nodes and native browser objects, such as XMLHttpRequest,
will not be saved or persisted.

Both historyStorage and dhtmlHistory
have a few more methods that are useful in some cases; see the
source code for details.

How Does It Internally Work?

RSH works differently internally for different browsers, but in general
we use a combination of hidden iframes, timers, and hidden form fields
to detect various history changes and to persist history and location data
in a way that will still be around if the user leaves and then returns
to the page. The hidden form field is used to persist information
between page loads using the auto save
capability of web forms; see my blog
"AJAX Tutorial: Saving Session Across Page Loads Without Cookies,
On The Client Side"
for implementation details. historyStorage
wraps the auto save trick with an easy hash table API for developers, and
the main RSH framework then uses the historyStorage class to implement
stateless tracking of history; variables that allow the detection of fake
versus real page load events; and more.


The O'Reilly Network will be publishing
a forthcomming article, titled "AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons."
This article goes into much more detail, with full examples, than this README
can accomodate.

Demos and Examples

The O'Reilly Network article will have full examples. Until then, see the
two testing classes for the RSH framework for sample code:


My primary means of support is through open source consulting using the
kinds of frameworks I create and give away. For this reason
I generally charge for support. I can answer simple questions, but beyond
that we should structure a consulting arrangement to solve your problems
using the RSH framework. For details, email at or call me at 510-938-3263.


Download the latest release of the
Really Simple History framework.

Known Issues

  • Safari is not supported.

  • On Internet Explorer, if you add a location
    to dhtmlHistory that matches the ID of any
    HTML element already in the document, then you will get very strange
    behavior. It is recommended that you make sure these don't collide.
    For example, if I have an HTML DIV with the ID "addressBook," and then
    add the location "addressBook" to dhtmlHistory using
    add(), then IE's history won't work correctly and you
    will have subtle bugs.


Lucas Gonze said…
I am in awe.
Brad Neuberg said…
Thanks :)
Unknown said…
Yep, it really rocks !
It gives you full control over the history, since you decide what to put in and how it's called ...

I'm using it successfully in an on-line gaming community portal, in junction with prototype and, so i was wondering if you're planning future releases prototype-based or jQuery-based, or if you'd appreciate a submission of one of those ....