The eBook Interview: Meagan Timney, What Academia and UX Design Can Teach the Commercial eBook World

Meagan Timney is a Senior Product Designer at Inkling. Before working in the private sector, she explored the future of the book at the University of Victoria as a postdoc and Assistant Professor of English literature and digital humanities. You can follow her on twitter @mbtimney.
Hi Meagan! Tell us about yourself and your background.
Hi! Well, my name is Meagan Timney, and I grew up and went to school in Canada. I moved to San Francisco about two years ago to begin working in the software industry as a product designer. In university, I studied literature and performing arts before heading to grad school and embarking on a multi-year digital preservation and scholarly editing project. I’ve been fortunate to watch the emergence of digital editions from both an academic and industry perspective. There have been a lot of changes to digital books since I built my first one (using simple HTML and frames) in the autumn of 2004.